International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)
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Program at a Glance


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ISQED 2014 Conference At-a-Glance

Monday, March 3, 2014


ISQED 2014 Tutorials

Great America Meeting Room 3


Past, Present and Future of High Performance Logic Transistors
Prof. Suman Datta - Pennsylvania State University

Integrated Techniques for Variation-Tolerant, Energy-Efficient Circuits
Dr. Carlos Tokunaga - Intel Corporation

New Rules: Managing Processor Physics to Sustain Performance Scaling
Prof. Sudhakar Yalamanchili - Georgia Institute of Technology

Very Large Scale Analog (VLSA): Synthesizing Cell-Based ADPLLs with Digital CAD Tools
Prof. David D. Wentzloff , University of Michigan

CMOS Biosensors for Molecular Diagnostics and Cellular Monitoring
Prof Hua Wang - Georgia Institute of Technology

Emerging Materials for Energy Efficient Devices
Prof. Sayeef Salahuddin - University of California at Berkeley

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Plenary Session 1P

Great America Ballroom


Keynote Speeches:

A New Era of Computing: Are You "Ready Now" To Build A Smarter and Secured Enterprise?

Jacqueline Woods - Global Vice President of Growth Solutions, STG, IBM

Foundation for Trustworthy Platforms

Sridhar Iyengar - Director of Security and Privacy Research, Intel


Morning Break


10:20am–12 Noon

Session 1A

Memory Circuit and System



Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 1B

Advanced Techniques for System-level Analysis


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 1C

Network on a Chip and Multi-core Systems



Great America Meeting Room 3



12 Noon–1:30am

ISQED Luncheon

Room: Silicon Valley


Best Paper Awards

Committee Recognition Awards

ISQED Fellow Award

ISQED/IEDEC Education Leadership Award

Luncheon Speech

The Origins of Silicon Valley: Why and How It Happened

Paul Wesling, IEEE SF Bay Area Communications Director



Session 2A

Validation and SOC Verification


Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 2B

Package and 3-D Integration


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 2C

Manufacturing and Modeling Issues in Nanoscale CMOS


Great America Meeting Room 3




Afternoon Break


Session 3A

Low Voltage and Low Power Design Methodologies

Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 3B

Systems Optimization



Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 3C

Novel Technologies and their Applications


Great America Meeting Room 3




Poster Papers & Mixer

Room: Atrium


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Plenary Session 2P

Great America Ballroom


Keynote Speeches:

Cloud-Delivered Security for the Mobile Enterprise

Amit Sinha - EVP Engineering and Operations, Chief Technology Officer, Zscaler

Carbon Nanotube Computer: Transforming Scientific Discoveries into Working Systems

Subhasish Mitra - Professor and Director of the Robust Systems Group, Stanford University

Can You Trust the Internet of Things? A Look at Security of All Things Connected

Stacy Cannady - Technical Marketing - Trustworthy Computing TRIAD (Threat Response, Intelligence, and Development) for Cisco and a member of the Trusted Computing Group


Morning Break

10:20am–12 Noon

Session 4A

Reliability and Aging




Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 4B

Advances in Timing Closure and Yield/Reliability Improvement


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 4C

New Ideas in Circuit Design




Great America Meeting Room 3

12 Noon–1:30pm

Lunch Break


Session 5A

Novel Technologies, Design & Modeling


Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 5B

Assertion and Formal Verification Technologies


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 5C

Thermal and Energy Considerations in Systems


Great America Meeting Room 3


Afternoon Break


Session 6A

Advanced Circuit and System Methodologies

Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 6B

Power Grid Analysis and Issues

Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 6C

Smart Sensors Design Technology

Great America Meeting Room 3


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