International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

26th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'25) Call for Papers

For any question please contact the publication committee by sending email to Note the following important dates:

IMPORTANT DATES (Midnight, US Pacific Time)

FINAL Paper Submission Deadline
Nov. 17, 2024
Acceptance Notification Jan. 22. 2025
Camera-Ready Paper Due Feb 17, 2025
Presentation Video, and Speaker Bio March 25, 2025


Papers are requested in the following areas

A pioneer and leading multidisciplinary conference, ISQED accepts and promotes papers related to the manufacturing, design and EDA. Authors are invited to submit papers in the various disciplines of high level design, circuit design (digital, analog, mixed-signal, RF), test & verification, design automation tools; processes; flows, device modeling, semiconductor technology, advance packaging, and biomedical & bioelectronic devices. All past Conference proceedings & Papers have been published in IEEE Xplore digital library and indexed by Scopus.

The details of various topics of paper submission are as follows:

Hardware and System Security (HSS)

  • Attacks and countermeasures including but not limited to side-channel attacks, reverse engineering, tampering, and Trojans
  • Hardware-based security primitives including PUFs, TRNGs and ciphers
  • Security, privacy, trust protocols, and trusted information flow
  • Ensuring trust using untrusted tools, IP, models and manufacturing
  • Secure hardware architectures Secure memory systems
  • Post-quantum security primitives
  • Security challenges and opportunities of emerging nanoscale devices
  • IoT and cyber-physical system security
  • Any other topics related to hardware security

Electronic Design Automation Tools and Methodologies (EDA)

  • EDA and physical design tools, processes, methodologies, and flows
  • Design tools for analysis/ tolerance of variation, aging, and soft-errors
  • Design and maintenance of hard and soft IP blocks
  • Challenges and solutions of integrating, testing, qualifying and manufacturing IP blocks from multiple vendors
  • EDA for non-traditional problems such as smart power grid and solar energy
  • EDA tools and methodologies for 3D integrations, and advanced packaging
  • Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (TCAD)
  • CAD for bio-inspired and neuromorphic systems
  • EDA tools, methodologies and applications for Photonics devices, circuit and system design
  • EDA for MEMS Any other topics related design automation tools and methodologies

Design Test and Verification (DTV)

  • Hardware and software formal-, assertion-, and simulation-based design verification techniques
  • All areas of DFT, ATE and BIST for digital designs, analog/mixed-signal IC's, SoC's, and memories
  • Test synthesis and synthesis for testability
  • Fault diagnosis, IDDQ test, novel test methods, effectiveness of test methods, fault models and ATPG, and DPPM prediction
  • SoC/IP testing strategies Design methodologies dealing with the link between testability and manufacturing
  • Hardware/software co-verification
  • Advanced methodologies, testbenches, and flows (e.g., UVM, HDLs, HVLs)
  • Formal and semi-formal verification and validation techniques
  • Safety and security in verification and validation New methods and tools supporting functional safety and security
  • Self-checking testbenches in analog verification
  • Any other topics related to design test and verification

Emerging Device and Process Technologies and Applications (EDPT)

  • Design, simulation and modeling of emerging technologies
  • Design, simulation and modeling of emerging non-volatile memory and logic, such as STT-RAM, PC-RAM, R-RAM, and Memristors
  • Application of emerging devices for storage and computation including but not limited to cognitive, neuromorphic, or quantum computing
  • Qubit technologies and quantum computing Specialty technologies such as MEMs, NEMs
  • Novel or emerging solid state nanoelectronic devices and concepts
  • Design and Technology Co-Optimization
  • Optimization-based methodologies that address the interaction between design (custom, semi-custom, ASIC, FPGA, RF, memory, etc.)
  • Advanced-node manufacturing techniques such as multiple patterning, EUV lithography, DSA lithography,
  • Advanced interconnect (e.g., air gap for local interconnect, Si photonics, etc.).
  • Modeling, analysis, and optimization of technology implications on performance metrics like power consumption, timing, area, and cost.
  • Design methods and tools to improve yield and manufacturability.
  • Any other topics related to emerging device technologies and applications

Circuit Design, 3D Integration and Advanced Packaging (ICAP)

  • Low power, high-performance, and robust design of logic, memory, analog, interconnect, RF, programmable logic, and FPGA circuits
  • Techniques for leakage control, power optimization, and power management
  • Analog circuit design including but not limited to all-digital PLLs and DLLs, ADC's and DAC's
  • Adaptive and resilient digital circuits and systems
  • On-chip process, voltage, temperature, and aging sensors and monitoring
  • Hardware design for IoT sensors and actuators including digital logic, memory design, wireless communications, energy harvesting, signal processing, and power management
  • Innovative packaging technologies including 3D IC, 2.5D or interposer, and multi-chip module and their impact on system design
  • Design techniques, methodologies and flows for vertically integrated circuits/chips
  • Modeling and mitigation of device interactions for 3D ICs
  • Design of die-to-die interfaces in 3D/2.5D ICs
  • Design-for-testability and system-level design issues in 3D/2.5D
  • Die-package co-design
  • Any other topics related to circuit design, 3D integration and advanced packaging

System-level Design and Methodologies (SDM)

  • Methods and tools aiming at quality of systems including multi-core processors, graphics processors embedded systems, SoC, novel accelerator designs, and heterogeneous architecture designs
  • System-level trade-off analysis and multi-objective (e.g. yield, power, delay, area, etc.) optimization
  • System level power and thermal management
  • Exploration of influence of emerging technologies on the system level design
  • System level modeling and simulation to characterize effects of process, voltage, temperature, and aging on power, performance, and reliability
  • Cyber-Physical Systems – Design, Methodologies & Tools
  • HW/SW co-design, co-simulation, co-optimization, and co-exploration
  • HW/SW prototyping and emulation on FPGAs
  • Micro-architectural transformation
  • System communication architecture
  • Application driven heterogeneous computing platforms
  • Network-on-chip design methodologies
  • Any other topics related to system level design and methodologies

Cognitive Computing Hardware (CCH)

  • Neuromorphic computing and non-Von Neumann architectures
  • Hardware and architecture for neural networks and system-level design for (deep) neural computing Neural network acceleration techniques including GPGPU, FPGA and dedicated ASICs
  • Safe and secure machine learning Hardware accelerators for Artificial Intelligence Cognitive-inspired computing fundamentals
  • Cognitive-inspired computing systems
  • Cognitive-inspired computing with big data
  • Cognitive-inspired intelligent interaction AI-assisted cognitive computing approaches
  • Brain analysis for cognitive-inspired computing Internet of cognitive Things
  • Cognitive environment, sensing and data
  • Cognitive robots and agents Security issue in cognitive-inspired computing
  • Test-bed, prototype implementation and applications
  • Any other topics related to cognitive computing hardware


Submission of Papers

Paper submission must be done on-line through the conference web site: The guidelines for the final paper format are provided on the conference web site. Authors should submit original, unpublished papers along with an abstract of about 200 words. The manuscripts should be at least four (4) pages long but not exceed eight (8) pages, should not use smaller than 10pt font size, and must be consistent with the format provided in the conference website: www.isqed. org. The manuscripts longer than 10 pages and/or written in less than 10-pt font sizes will not be reviewed. To permit a blind review, do not include name(s) or affiliation(s) of the author(s) on the manuscript and abstract. The complete contact author information needs to be entered separately.
The manuscripts identifying the name and/or affiliations of the authors in the submitted manuscript will be rejected without review. Please check the as-printed appearance of your paper before sending your paper. In case of any problems email

See the MS Word template at the bottom of this page. Use the on-line paper submission procedure by clicking the following link: ON-LINE. If you have problem accessing the paper submission site it is located at:


ISQED 2025 Special Issue Journals & Selection Process

Selected papers from ISQED 2025 will be invited for submission to special issues of JLPEA. The selection process for these special issues will take place after the conference is completed and will be based on reviewer feedback and the quality of the conference presentation.


Work in Progress (WIP) Submission

Ongoing research projects can be presented at ISQED under the Work in Progress (WIP) category. This provides a unique opportunity to authors to receive early feedback on their current work. For more information please click HERE.


Workshop/Tutorial Proposals

Several workshop/tutorial sessions will be held on the first day, and would offer valuable opportunities for practicing professionals to refresh or upgrade their skills in quality-based IC design techniques, methodologies and tools. These sessions are intended to supplement the conference by providing in depth, practical and proven design solutions. Workshops/Tutorials will be taught by experts in the field, who are intimately involved with the issues and solutions in their perspective areas, from both industry and academia. If interested in offering a tutorial, please send your tutorial proposals to the ISQED workshop/tutorial committee to

The proposal should include:

  • Title of Workshop/Tutorial
  • Name of organizer
  • Name(s), address, and affiliation of the Moderator
  • Name(s), address, and affiliation of presenter(s)
  • Half-page summary of each presenter's biography

You may send your proposal by email as text or as an Adobe PDF file. The presentations must be technical, up to date, relevant, and target the design community. Marketing presentations will not be accepted. In order to meet the conference timeline, we would like to have your proposal no later than Nov. 22, 2024. Please check the archive section of the web site for a listing of past tutorials.

Templates and Resouces for Authors & Speakers