ISQED'25 will be conducted in a hybrid format. This means you can choose to present your paper either remotely via zoom in real-time or by attending and presenting in person. Regardless of your attendance choice, you MUST submit your pre-recorded presentation to ISQED by March 28th to This file will be used for archives purpose and sending it does not eliminate the requirement for authors to submit their papers in real-time.
The preferred presentation format is Microsoft PowerPoint with voice narration, which is available in two file types: .pptx and .ppsx. Additionally, you may convert your presentation into an MP4 format. Before submission, please test your presentation to ensure it functions correctly, the volume level is adequate, and the sound is clear and audible.
Please name your presentation file to consist of your paper ID as shown in the technical program from the following link, followed by “-ISQED-2025”. To access the technical program and identify your paper ID please visit:
For example presentation name can be something like: 1A1-ISQED-2025.pptx, 3B5-ISQED-2025.mp4, etc. This will make it easy for the session chair to locate your paper. For examples, please visit the link of presentations for ISQED 2023 below:
Zoom links for the conference will be sent to authors well in advance. We strongly encourage authors to present their papers even if for some reason they can not attend the conference in person, additionally you need to be available to answer any questions from the audience after your presentation. The total presentation duration for regular papers is 20 minutes, and for poster and Work-In-Progress (WIP) papers, it is 5 (five) minutes.
We recommend shortening your presentation by 2 minutes to leave time for Q/A. Also, add a slide at the end showing where listeners should address any questions they might have later after the event. Few weeks after the conference we will make a link in the program to your presentation and share the link with all participants. To view previous ISQED's presentations please click here. Email your presentation to If the file size is too large and you are not able to email your filed, save in your google docs or OneDrive and email the link instead.
The procedure for recording your presentation is outlined in the following link: How record narration and timings
The file can be also saved as a video as shown in the following link: How turn your presentation into a video
Guidelines for slide formats and presentation are as follows: