International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

Call for Papers

Program at a Glance


Press Room
Press Room


Dear Attendees,

ISQED’22 event will be conducted using zoom webinar platform.  In order to streamline number of webinars, we have arranged four (4) simultaneous zoom webinars for Wednesday April 6, and Thursday April 7, for a total of 4 webinars, as follows:

Zoom Links for Tracks Track A – April 6Track A Track B – April 6Track B Track C – April 7Track C Track D – April 6Track D
Wednesday April 6

Track A – April 6
Includes Plenary 1, 1A, Tutorial 1, 2A, Panel


Track B – April 6
Includes 1B, and 2B

Track C – April 6
Includes 1C, and 2C

Track D – April 6
Includes 1D, and 2D


Thursday April 7

Track A – April 7
Includes Plenary 2, PW1, 3A, Tutorial 2, and 4A

Track B – April 7
Includes PW2, 3B, and 4B

Track C – April 7
Includes 3DIC, 3C, and 4C

Track D – April 7
Includes 3SS, 3D, and 4D


To participate in any session, click on the zoom icon in the desire box from the above table and register. The link for each track is the same for both days. Please note that you can only attend one zoom session at a time, so to join a new track you need to exit your current track and then join the other.