International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)
Submit Paper

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Author Guidlines (Final accepted papers)

Dear Authors:

This page includes information to help you submit the FINAL version of your paper. If you are submitting your paper for the first time please CLICK HERE. Please read on only if after you have been notified that your paper has been accepted for publication by the IEEE in the proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED China 2014) to be held 27-29 Oct. 2014 in Hangzhou, China

Each accepted ISQED paper requires one full conference registration before Aug. 1st 2014, to ensure publication of the papers in the proceedings and the IEEE digital library. This policy will be strictly applied.

Please click here to register.

Your final, publication ready manuscript is due on Aug. 1st, 2014. You must submit the final version of your paper as well as the IEEE copyright form to START system. Please follow the procedure in the acceptace email sent to you and use your passcodes to login to the ISQED START site, and submit the final materials. Please contact the START adminstration if you run into any problem with your submission. For any further information please contact Paul Wesling, Publications Chair, by email at, or phone 1-408-331-0114.

Instructions for preparing your paper are embedded in the WORD Template and the Format Sheet. Please download and print them, for reference. Please follow the paper templates as close as possible as violating the formating might result in rejection of your paper.

Contact with your Session Chair

AS ISQED approaches, you may need to get in touch with your Session Chair. You can download a current listing of Session Chairs.

Page Limits:

ISQED is published only on CD-ROM and the recommended length of papers is minimum 4 (four) pages, and maximum 10 (ten) pages, including all figures, tables, and references. The new WORD Template allows more information to be placed on each page, so we expect most papers to be from 4 to 8 pages. Extra pages over 8 and up to a maximum total of 10 pages will be charged at $200/page. So for example an author of a paper with 10 pages total will pay a US$400 fee. Papers over 10 pages in length may result in a request to rewrite/condense the paper.

Payment for extra pages should be received by ISQED prior to Aug. 1st, 2014. Payment should be made (in US dollars) to the ISQED. If you are registering for the conference with credit card, you can request ISQED to charge your credit card for extra pages as well. Otherwise if you are paying by check please send the payment to the following address:

PO Box 607
Los Altos, CA 94023 USA
