Hierarchical Improvement of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Object Detection

Junde Li, Mahabubul Alam, Abdullah Ash-Saki, Swaroop Ghosh
Pennsylvania State University


Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) provides approximate solution to combinatorial optimization problems. It encodes the cost function using a p-level quantum circuit where each level consists a problem Hamiltonian followed by a mixing Hamiltonian. Despite the promises, few realworld applications (besides the pedagogical MaxCut problem) have exploited QAOA. The success of QAOA relies on the classical optimizer, variational parameter setting, and quantum circuit design and compilation. In this study, we implement QAOA and analyze its performance for a broader Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) formulation to solve real-word applications such as, partially occluded object detection problem. Furthermore, we analyze the effects of above influential factors on QAOA performance. We propose a 3-level improvement of hybrid quantum-classical optimization for object detection. We achieve more than 13X execution speedup by choosing L-BFGSB as classical optimizer at the first level and 5.50X additional speedup by exploiting parameter symmetry and more than 1.23X acceleration using parameter regression at the second level. We empirically show that the circuit will achieve better fidelity by optimally rescheduling gate operations (especially for deeper circuits) at the third level.