Session 4B
ISQED08 Embedded Tutorial
Wednesday March 19, 2008
Room: Santa Clara
Robust Design
Dr. Chris Nicklaw - L3 Communications
Prof. Todd R. Weatherford- Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey
Dr. André Reis - Nangate
Overview The current design trend is for the product lifecycle of SOCs and electronic systems to be very short (sub 18mos), There are still many applications, where 15+ year design life cycles are the norm. With the shift from pure consumer "line cord" applications to mobile and vehicle applications, this long operational lifetime and MTBF requirement is becoming much more common. This tutorial will provide an overview of the issues behind the long MTBF "crisis" and also solution directions for solving a number of the issues for specific design situations. Topics presented in this tutorial are:
Mil/Aero/Vehicle High Reliability Design - Issues/challenges/solutions Chris Nicklaw - L3 Communications
An Overview of the High Reliability Design Space Prof. Todd R. Weatherford - Naval Post Graduate School - Monterey
Modifications and Tradeoffs in the Creation and Characterization of High Relability IP Dr. André Reis - Nangate |